Friday, September 28, 2012

Oven Fried Chicken

SO I made dinner tonight...and didn't realize until we had devoured everything that I should have taken pictures for this post.  I guess you guys will just have to use your imagination...

Oven Fried Chicken
2 split chicken breasts
whole wheat bread crumbs*
a couple squirts mustard
1 egg
dash paprika
dash salt
dash pepper
dash garlic powder
*I made my own bread crumbs by putting two slices of whole wheat bread in a mini food processor.  Then I put them on a lined baking sheet and baked them at 400 degrees for about 5 minutes. 
So the recipe is simple...
1) Clean chicken breasts
2) Whisk together the mustard and egg
3) Dip the chicken into the mustard/egg mixture
4) Combine the breadcrumbs with papriks, salt, pepper, and garlic powder
5) Coat the chicken with the breadcrumb mixture
6) Place chicken on a lined baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes to an hour at 400 degrees
7) EAT
I didn't really measure anything because that is just how I cook when I am winging a recipe (haha get chicken wing?  Go ahead, it's a knee slapper!)
Anyway, this is a tasty alternative to greasy, fatty, actual fried chicken.  I served it with garlic-cheddar mashed potatoes (if you want that recipe comment and I will post it another time) and lactose free macaroni and cheese (that was just for me...I guess I could post that too if anyone is interested).  For veggies we had broccoli and leftover brussell sprouts and corn! 
That was our family friday dinner! 
May the odds be ever in your flavor!

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